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CityLegends x Amersfoort

Foto van schrijver: City LegendsCity Legends

Kicking off in Amersfoort!

Together with the municipality of Amersfoort deepdiving into the urban culture of Amersfoort.

Last week we hosted an Urban workshop in Amersfoort! 22/04/2021

In the growing city of Amersfoort the urban scene is growing as well and so is the need to take it to the next level. Last week the first step has been taken: Communicating.

We shared our and Area51's experiences and hopefully inspired others. Problems, ideas and emotions passed by. Where it was clear that more could be achieved together and that there are still plenty of opportunities for Urban Amersfoort. The first step has been taken and the next meeting is already a fact!

Thanks @Gemeente Amersfoort and the urban community for having us. Bring Urban Amersfoort further.


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