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Introducing PlayUrb!

Foto van schrijver: Sander BaartmansSander Baartmans

LINES by CityLegends partners up with the cities of Eindhoven, Valencia, Munich, and Turin. Focusing and stimulating urban sports and culture with digital, local

and policy tools.

Since urban culture is thriving throughout Europe; Valencia, Eindhoven, Munich and Turin are daring to explore the urban domain in partnership with LINES by CityLegends to meet,

understand and stimulate their local communities.

Co-funded by the European Union


In collaboration with EPSI and the four municipalities, the PlayUrb project has been established to further develop and explore the urban domain in Europe. Who are the urban practicioners? What are their needs? How do they organize themselves? And most of all, how can we help them in their growth while they assist reaching city goals? Think of goals like getting youth into sports, culture and social activities and decreasing social problems such as obesity, loneliness, criminality, and school dropouts.


In the PlayUrb project, we will explore and develop the urban scene in four ways.

  1. Get to know the cities.

  2. Get to know the local urban scene and get youth into sports.

  3. Unite the community for the long-term and track success.

  4. Use cases for EU cities.

The goals

The goal is to develop a 'hybrid' urban sports (on- & offline) activation program for existing urban athletes to gain insights and knowledge, allowing public organizations to create lively, smarter, and cost-effective cities. It's crucial that we learn from this project how to build better cities. By engaging and collaborating with the urban community and urban partners, we'll gain insights into the resilience, creativity, and solidarity of these urban communities. It's essential to convert this knowledge into practical models and project descriptions, so that we can further support and nurture the urban community across Europe. For us, the urban mindset is a key to creating a better living environment.


We look forward to the upcoming year. In 2024, the project will be expanded, and events will be organized. We expect to provide more clarity in 2025 on the urban community and the progress within these communities in Valencia, Eindhoven, Munich and Turin.

Our timeline:


Your help is needed!

Sander Baartmans oversees the process within the PlayUrb project. If you are familiar with urban organizations in any of these four municipalities, have interesting insights into urban sports and culture, or are involved in initiatives, please let us know. Feel free to forward this via e-mail to!

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