A new long-term partnership is being realized, an international one for urban and general youngsters. Together with the city of Gent (Belgium), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Vilnius (Lithuania) we are creating a digital word with social inclusion through sports & culture.
We’re going to create initiatives in neighborhoods where sports opportunities and activities are not easily accessible for youngsters around 14-18 years old. Through the CityLegends app, social media, the street and community champions, youngsters are activated and encouraged to engage with sports and culture.
The community champions themselves come from the neighborhood and take on a pioneering role. With the CityLegends app, these community champions can organize meet-ups (‘jams’), upload activity videos and invite peers to sports and exercise activities. It will also visualize and reward their efforts, giving them a lasting motivation to connect with their peers through physical activity, thus promoting much-needed social inclusion in underprivileged communities.
But there is more. It's also about crossovers. Facilitating communication between stakeholder organizations and discovering effectful methods related to sports participation, physical activity and social inclusion. So it goes beyond sport, it’s culture, social cohesion, city experience and eliminating loneliness.
We'll keep you posted about the results ;-).